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Seaville, NJ

Solar Power

Solar power | Seaville, NJ | Perone Electric | 609-390-1299

Go green and save green!

Respect the environment and save on your monthly electric bills with our affordable solar power installation.

Protect the environment and your wallet with solar power.

Are you ready to go green? Save on your utility bills with our energy efficient lighting and solar power. Lower your carbon footprint and rely on the earth's renewable sources to give you the power you need with our durable solar panels and inverters. With over 33 years in business, we can help you smoothly make the switch to solar power today.

Get efficient energy at a cost-efficient price.

Whether you want solar power in your home or business, we can install it at a reasonable price. You won't have to worry about maintenance or high electrical bills again with our fast and reliable installation of your solar panels or inverters. You can choose from the most efficient inverters and leading brands in solar power technology.

  • Sunny Boy solar inverters
  • Fronius inverters
  • Sharp solar panels
  • General Electric solar inverters
Solar power | Seaville, NJ | Perone Electric | 609-390-1299

Start saving cash - and the earth - now! Call us today to schedule an appointment.

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